Sunday, April 6, 2008


With reference to the comments by Dr. Chong on the first entry blog is:

the chords of the first two bars is

i (5, 3) - (6,4,2) - (5,3) - (6,4,2)

the overall form:


Section A - verse 1

section B - Prechorus

Section C - Chorus

Section A - verse 2

section B - prechorus

Section C - chorus

Section A - verse 3

Section B - prechorus

Section C - Chorus

Section D - Bridge

Section C - Chorus

1 comment:

ec said...

Hi Nat,

In your first response to my 5 Mar comment, you saw a iv 4/2 instead of a ii half dim 4/2 (I missed out the half dim the last time). I think you were misled by the Guitar Chord symbol Fm6: I hope you recognize that the root of the half dim 7th chord here is D.

Re your structure analysis, I can't check without the complete score, but for the benefit of the class, you may perhaps like to explain how the pre-chorus is different from the verse and chorus.