Sunday, March 2, 2008

unfaithful cont.

please click on the image for a bigger and clearer view.
Basically, this entire song it has a 4 bar phrasing throughout.
the first 4 bars at the top belongs to section A, the verse. I have marked out the voice leading bits in green.
In section B, which is the prechorus and chorus, it is a 4 bar phrasing and it modulates to the key of its relative major, E flat major.
there is also the use of tonal sequence which i have marked out in orange. Within the sequence, there has been the use of passing notes in the melody line. In the left hand, there is the use of diminution in rhythm as compared to the rhythm in section A. The broken chords in section B has shorter rhythm, thus giving it a faster feel to the tempo. The rhythmic emphasis is on the 1st and the 3rd beat unlike in section A, the emphasis is on the 1st beat.
section B - prechorus
Key: E flat major
Harmonic progression: IV - V - vi - V6 - I (first 2 bars), IV - V - IV
c: VI bVII6 (last 2 bars)
Harmonic function: PD - D - PD - D - T , PD - D - PD - PD - (t)- will resolve to a
tonic which is shown on the next page in the next posting
Interestingly, the chord progression of the first 2 bars, is a walk up to an E flat chord. and the cadence at the 2nd bar, V - I is supposed to be a perfect cadence, however, it seems like an imperfect cadence leading to an A flat chord.
In the last two bars, we have an auxiliary chord, B flat, sandwiched between two A flat chords. there is a pivot chord on the first beat of the last bar, moving back to c minor.
that is all for now, the next blog would be on section B, chorus.


ec said...


Some good work here.

I didn't make this point in your earlier post: given that ii 4/2 shares the same bass as I, can you indicate its voice-leading connection with I? What can you then say about the Ab in b. 1 and in b. 2?

In the progression IV-V-vi-V6-I, reconsider the harmonic function of vi for D-PD-D is not exactly typical of function progressions.

You are perceptible to pick out the Bb chord for comment. Reconsider your interpretation in light of having heard the preceding IV-V-vi-V6-I.

The Style Princess... said...

DR. chong, there is no ii4/2 anywhere. it is a iv 4/2.